Scott earned minimum wage for three years at his first job and knows what it's like to work hard and barely make ends meet. But the current Florida legislature is made up of more millionaires than any other legislature in the United States and is out of touch with the economic realities of workers in our community.
In 2004, more than 71% of Floridians approved a law
that will continue to increase the minimum wage every year. The legislature then went to work making it difficult to enforce the law. Scott will fight to ensure that the will of the voters is fully implemented and that our families are respected with a living wage. Scott believes that workers in Central Florida deserve more respect and better representation. Our workers deserve better jobs and better wages. We need a real person in the legislature who truly understands what it is like to work for minimum wage.
Scott also believes that we must protect our workers. In 2004, Scott successfully battled big insurance companies to help workers recover their retirement funds from a corporation who handed over their savings to an irresponsible investor. Scott helped them get back every penny they lost, and more than a hundred workers will be able to enjoy their retirement. After Scott finished the case, he got a phone call from a woman crying with happiness thanking him because she doesn't have to work for the rest of her life to make up for a corporation's misdeeds.
Scott also will fight to ensure that the State of Florida does not send our tax money to companies that send jobs out of state or overseas. Florida's government controls more than $54 billion, which should only be used to improve our quality of life. As your representative, Scott will make sure our government doesn't use our tax money to reward political contributors who will ship our jobs overseas.
Scott Randolph Campaign
(407) 575-8276
1400 Mt. Vernon Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Scott Randolph, DEMOCRAT for Florida House of Representatives, District 36.