For the past four years, Scott has assisted legislators and public interest groups on developing policies that will safeguard public health and improve Central Florida. Scott knows how the legislative process works and will be the great State Representative that Central Florida needs and deserves.
The Florida Constitution states that all power is vested in the people. The job of a state representative is to ensure that
people's voices are heard in Tallahassee -- to
them. Unfortunately, many of our leaders no longer respect the public and many voters no longer believe there is anyone in Tallahassee that represents their interests. That's why Scott is running for State Representative.
The only purpose of government is to help people improve their lives. A state representative should work to provide an equal opportunity for all Floridians to realize their fullest potential. Government does not exist simply to further the interests of big corporate donors. When citizens pay thousands of tax dollars (and vote) every year to maintain state and local governments, they should expect their tax dollars to protect their quality of life and provide equal opportunities for them and their children. Legislators should treat citizens as their bosses.
As your state representative, Scott will work to provide our children with all of the opportunities they deserve by working to adequately fund
our public schools. Scott will fight to provide working families with a living wage so that they can focus on raising their children and being a part of their communities. Scott will work to provide all our citizens with affordable healthcare that is not dictated by HMOs and large insurance companies. And Scott will work to protect our environment and energize our economy.
Scott will be the kind of leader that you can count on to listen to your needs, develop solutions, and give you a voice in your government. Scott wants to be your representative because you and I know that we can do better.
Scott Randolph Campaign
(407) 575-8276
1400 Mt. Vernon Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Scott Randolph, DEMOCRAT for Florida House of Representatives, District 36.