Scott Randolph Campaign
(407) 575-8276
1400 Mt. Vernon Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Thank you for visiting my online campaign center, your place to discover why District 36 is so important, and why we need a representative with experience fighting for Central Floridians in Tallahassee. Please consider donating to our campaign, signing up to volunteer, or requesting a yard sign to let your neighbors know you're supporting us. We can make a difference today!
It's time for a strong voice in District 36. It's time for your voice to be heard! I'm Scott Randolph, and I am running for Florida House District 36 because I share your values: a healthier Florida, a cleaner Florida, and an even better place to live and work.

I want to thank all of our friends for your unwavering support for my campaign. With your help, my campaign has been able to knock on the doors of more than half of the district and secure endorsements from:
- Orlando City Commissioner Patty Sheehan
- Florida AFL-CIO
- Alliance for Retired Americans
- Clean Water Action
- Florida Consumer Action Network (FCAN)
- ACORN PAC (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now)
- Orange County Young Democrats
- Central Florida for Democracy/Democracy for America Group
- Former County Mayor, Linda Chapin
- Orlando City Commissioner, District 4, Patty Sheehan
- Former State Representative, Alzo Reddick
- Former State Senator & Appropriations Committee Chair, Winston "Bud" Gardner
- National Organization for Women PAC (NOW)
- Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
"This is a victory for our supporters. For the people who worked tirelessly to call our neighbors and visit them on their doorsteps. For the organizations who do such great work in this community, who decided to endorse us so early on. This is a victory for them, and to them I owe my gratitude and my promise to win back our seat in the House on November 7th"

The entire Scott Randolph team celebrated our primary victory on the night of September 5th at the Peacock Room in Orlando. Thank you to them for hosting us in such styles, and to Queen Bee's for catering the event with the world's greatest soul food (and tons of it!). Now on to victory in November... our job has just begun!

Thursday, May 18 -- Scott joins community leaders Alzo and Eloise Reddick at Queen Bee's Soul Food Restaurant on Orange Center Blvd. Scott took questions from a full house, while everyone enjoyed an amazing home-cooked meal. Dessert included hand-churned ice cream, which might become the new Official Campaign Food.
Baking Our Way To Victory!
Susannah Randolph took second place in the College Park Neighborhood Association's "Best Brownies in the Park" contest. The March 26 event was co-judged by Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer
Susannah, along with Elizabeth & Alice Loveland, and Mayor Buddy Dyer
Thursday's fundraising event was a success both in dollars raised and the number of new friends who have joined the campaign. Thank you to everyone who hosted and attended, and especially to Doug Stelzner, for the use of his beautiful Lake Ivanhoe home. Photos from the event are coming soon. And another thank-you is owed to our fantastic hosting committee:
Karen Castor-Dentel . Bill Robinson . Patti Sharp
Scott Alles . Rudy Aguilera . Bud & Jerol Gardner
Claramargaret Groover . Kenn & Melissa Gluckman
Christine Aleknavich . Nancy Jacobson
A total of 17 canvassers hit Central Florida on Sunday, meeting voters, getting petitions signed and letting everyone know about their next state representative (three more showed up after the photo below was taken). Canvassing is one of dozens of ways volunteers can help Scott win for District 36. Sign up to volunteer here.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006, ORLANDO -- The Orange County Young Democrats, Florida's largest Young Democrats organization, endorsed Scott Randolph as their pick for the District 36 Florida House of Representatives race on Wednesday. The final decision to endorse was made by an overwhelming number of the general members present. The night before, the OCYD Nominations and Endorsement Committee had unanimously recommended endorsing Scott.

This critical endorsement was timed by the OCYDs to preceed endorsements from other groups and organizations, which are expected to be finalized in February and March. Before the vote was taken, Scott was asked to address the group and outline his reasons for running and specific campaign needs. Scott is an environmental attorney for Clean Water Action who outfundraised his incumbent opponent, Sheri McInvale, last quarter. McInvale switched to the Republican party in an effort to avoid a defeat in the September primary, but the OCYD endorsement was already in the works before her defection.

Scott told the Orange County Young Democrats Wednesday night that the group has become a crucial stop for candidates seeking support from young activists in the party. He hopes the endorsement will bring attention to his campaign and attract progressives who had not given the District 36 race much consideration before.

The group has also noted that supporters of Scott Randolph may be especially interested in the OCYD's upcoming Power To The People Awards night on February 21, where Scott will be winning an award from the group.

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Political advertisement paid for and approved by Scott Randolph, DEMOCRAT for Florida House of Representatives, District 36.