Modern campaigns are won or lost depending on the candidate's ability to get information out to voters quickly and effectively. By donating to my campaign, you are making it possible for me to reach everyone in District 36. Unlike my opponent, I am not relying on gifts from big corporations and political interest groups. I'm counting on support from individuals like you.
One-time donation
Make this a monthly donation
I would host a house party
I would send a letter to my friends
Scott Randolph Campaign
(407) 575-8276
1400 Mt. Vernon Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Donation checks are also gladly accepted by mail, and should be made out to:
Scott Randolph Campaign Account
1400 Mt. Vernon Street
Orlando, FL 32803
Contributions or gifts to Scott Randolph for State Representative are not tax-deductible. Contributions totaling $500 per election, with the primary and general election each considered a separate election, may be accepted by the Campaign. By pressing Next Step, you verify that you are a US citizen and over the age of 18.
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Scott Randolph, DEMOCRAT for Florida House of Representatives, District 36.